Friday, March 4, 2011


     Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  I was sick with strep throat, and I couldn't get myself motivated to type anything at all.  As you may or may not know, my birthday came and went!  My father bought me my very own pipe as a gift, and i've been SO excited for it to arrive in the mail!  Yet EVERY day after work...the ol' mailbox is empty!  Well TODAY...I received a little pink slip in the mail saying that the mailman had tried to deliver it, when I was at work.  HE DATED it for YESTERDAY.  As I recall...YESTERDAY there was NO pink slip in my mailbox, so this is just the way he's covering his tracks.  I KNEW I should have asked him about my package when I saw him pulling out of the apartment complex, but I had to run inside the leasing office to pay my damn rent. Oh well.  Now I have to wait until MONDAY to pick up my damn package..what a bummer.  At least I know that on Monday night, I can cozy up to a book, and a bowl full of Captain Black tobacco.

     I was really surprised to see how much of a "pipe smoking fraternity" there is on the internet.  If you go to youtube, there are TONS of people who have posted videos about their new hobby.  Makes me feel like less of a geek. Hehe. I always felt like pipe smoking was for old people.....but apparently that isn't the case!  I've seen videos of teenage girls smoking pipes! It's crazy! Most of them were eastern european..but..whatever.  It's still cool, ok?  I wish I could post videos to this blog. Wait....can I?

1 comment:

  1. Hi G.I. This blog is not user friendly when it comes to leaving comments. This is my 6th try. Sorry to hear you are playing hide and seek with the package. Oh well, if you are coming off of strep, you probably ought to wait till Monday anyway before incinerating some Captain Black. The pipe I sent you requires a filter. I included a box in the package. Most European pipes are filtered. The blue end goes toward your mouth. You are correct about the fraternity. It's a select group. Hope to see you on Skype.

