Thursday, March 17, 2011
One man's trash, is another man' still trash you idiot.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Soldiers and Heaven
After researching the 117th regiment a bit more, I discovered he had been wounded in the leg on the 29th of September, 1864. This was during the battle of New Market Heights, which was just one of a series of battles that took place during the siege of Petersburg. After being wounded, he was moved to a hospital where his leg was amputated. He survived the surgery, but later died due to a sudden hemorrhage at the site of the amputation on the 19th of October, 1864. He was then laid to rest at the Hampton National Cemetery, which is only 15 minutes from where I live right now! After discovering this, I raced to the cemetery after work to find my ancestors gravestone! With the help of Wayne, the grounds keeper, I managed to find Charles' grave with ease. I took a few pictures to share with all of you, and I hope you enjoy them. What a day! To find out that I inadvertently moved to the city where one of my ancestors is buried! Isn't it strange how these things happen? At any rate, I'm sure that Charles was glad to get some company after all these years. Thank you for your service Charles. Rest in peace.
Charles' name on the graveyard roster.
A nice poem.
Charles' tombstone
Charles, at rest with his many brothers in arms.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Pipe and a crepe?
Yesterday, after work, I enjoyed my first smoke in my new place! Quite relaxing, if I do say so myself. After watching countless videos on youtube about packing and smoking a pipe, I have to say that I did quite well. The pipe stayed lit for the most part, and I only had to re-light once! I was surprised though, at how long smoking a pipe lasts! It seemed to go on forever! Who would want to rush anyways though? Very pleasureable, and much more enjoyable than smoking a cigarette hurriedly. The pipe my old man picked out for me was perfect as well. Nothing flashy, dark in color....MASCULINE. Way to go Dad! Hopefully we can enjoy a nice smoke and a drink when u come to OLD VUHGINYUH!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday Cleaning.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
I was really surprised to see how much of a "pipe smoking fraternity" there is on the internet. If you go to youtube, there are TONS of people who have posted videos about their new hobby. Makes me feel like less of a geek. Hehe. I always felt like pipe smoking was for old people.....but apparently that isn't the case! I've seen videos of teenage girls smoking pipes! It's crazy! Most of them were eastern european..but..whatever. It's still cool, ok? I wish I could post videos to this blog. Wait....can I?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Karen Carpenter
and B: She's
Saturday, February 19, 2011
What in the hell is that smell!?
I'm going to spend most of my day cleaning up, and putting laundry away. A buddy of mine from New Jersey might be stopping by today, but he isn't sure if he will have the time. Might wear my GOOD jeans today!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Me: Crane operator! On my command, I need you to hoist up on the load
Crane: I have located the hoist up button, and I will hoist up on your command
Me: Proceed.
Crane: Hoisting up!
Me: *Blows Whistle* HOISTING UP! ALL EYES ON THE LOAD! *Blows Whistle*
For EVERY single movement of the crane..we use this protocol. It makes for some VERY long days, but it cuts down on alot of accidents. The last thing you want to do, is have an accident involving nuclear fuel. Tomorrow, I will have to demonstrate that I can tie a square knot, a bowline knot, a clove hitch, and a series of half hitches. Too easy. After the knot tying demonstration, I have to give Anita the proper hand signals that she asks me for. Once that is completed, I'll rig to a load, and perform my first lift. After I complete the lift, I'll receive the coveted "Orange Ball" for the top of my hardhat. All it is, is a round sticker that you place on the top of your helmet. Woo hoo. The way I look at it is, the more qualifications that you have, the more valuable you are to the employer. I need this job, and I need this money. Keep the schools coming Northrop Grumman.
After I deleted my facebook account, I immediately started to go through "Facebook De-activation Syndrome". Instead of caving in and going back to Facebook, I've decided to make a blog instead. Blogs are much more entertaining, in my opinion, and require a little more time to write than a Facebook status. Wish me luck folks. I hope you subscribe!